Friday, October 3, 2014


There is indeed the concept of a Sims philosophy; in that you demonstrate to the universe how you want to be treated by the way you treat your Sims. By giving my Sims a half-a-million-dollars, just because I liked them, I demonstrated to the universe that I would like to always trust that I will have more than enough money to do whatever I feel I may need to do in life. So far, that is indeed the case with me. I may live from hand to mouth, but I have all I need to get stronger and happier.

Those who become stronger in good and wonderful ways are reaching for a happy and fulfilling life. They are of the YES philosophy. Winners are indeed possibility thinkers who have a YES philosophy towards the manifestations of their dreams.

Like it or not, the YES mindset is the winner mindset.

One must have a wonderful goal orientation if they are going to live the most fulfilling life possible. The overall goal for my Sims is to appreciate and celebrate life; to live healthy, happy lives always having more than enough money to do anything they like.

There is an emerging science of a Self-Aware universe the overall concept is one that I absolutely believe to be true; a self-aware, conscious universe that is always evaluating and supplying, like the Ultimate organic factory that it is. So the self-aware universe is always supplying. The goal of the true winner is to INSPIRE the Universe to supply more and more wonderful things.

I've found it is indeed a matter of INSPIRING the self-aware universe to respond favorably. It is: The Art of Successful Living.