Saturday, September 14, 2013


I discovered the

Xtranormal online animation company

after watching an interesting video on YouTube


Werewolves Are Vampires

I began to play around with their online program

and created the opening video, of this post, that I call


The dialogue just came to me I didn't plan it

I just kept asking myself,

"What should they say?"

Frankly, I was so busy learning the program that

I didn't give the dialogue much of any thought

The first thing that came to my fingers is what I wrote

As I stated, my chief concern was learning

how to use the program

Still, it's amazing to me that it came out this well

For a first effort

somehow I felt destined for this type of animation

My next video of the androids

was more sophisticated

Once again the dialogue came to me

while barely thinking of it

You'll notice that the end drags on

that was one of the glitches with the Xtranormal program

sometimes it would add a lot of space at the end

and you could not get rid of it

so I added silly sound effects to take up the space