Tuesday, December 16, 2014


These have got to be the most insane sites I have ever seen in the entire world of megalithic monuments. I mean, in certain ways they seem so primitive and yet the amount of effort involved to create them is astonishing! You would think they would suddenly stop and say something like, "This isn't worth the effort!" and just give up, but there are so many of them with no apparent purpose. It's insane!!!!

The most insane are those giant boulders perched on small, by comparison, rocks jutting out of the ground. How in heck did they lift those giant boulders and place them so carefully on top of the jutting rocks; and done with no apparent purpose??? IT'S NUTS!!!!! YOU may have the faith to sit underneath those giant, overhanging boulders, but I sure don't

My guess is they were created for sacred ceremonial reasons. So much effort and SO MANY OF THEM with no apparent purpose. Crazy stuff!!

Supposedly, all Native Americans says that the mounds were there long before they came to live in those areas. Not even ancient Native Americans had a clue who built them or why.