Friday, April 11, 2014



You skeptics seems to feel that blindly believing people like Michael Shermer, Sam Harris & Amazing Randi proves that you are critical thinkers. What a joke!!!


Critical thinking would be standing up in your science classroom and boldly saying to the teacher:

'Let me get this straight. You want me to completely deny my empirical senses that tell me the sun goes around the Earth and blindly believe you because YOU know the truth? Heck, I won't do that for religion and I sure as hell am NOT going to do that for you!!'

As far as the Earth being round: 'The Earth is flat where I live and on the property where this school exists. If the Earth is round where you live...that must be terribly inconvenient!'

As far as history: 'What proof do you have that this history you are teaching me is absolutely accurate? It seems to me that people may have exaggerated and left out things about human history in the Bible. Why should I trust that you, and your kind, are not doing the essential same in order to make us believe whatever you want us to believe?'

Now, that's critical thinking and it is something you blind faith skeptics refuse to do!!!


In the new science of modern Quantum Physics it is theorized that nothing has any actual physical existence UNTIL we give it our attention AND what we see is, supposedly, not exactly the same as what others see. For example; Walmart looks different to a woman who is going there specifically to buy a new dress than it does to a man who is going there specifically to buy a new tool.

I believe this gives one a basic idea of Quantum Physics in which, IT IS SAID, that the outcome of quantum experiments are affected by THE OBSERVER. Now, that makes no logical sense and yet, APPARENTLY, it is indeed so!

Notice how I qualify things I have not personally verified with words like:




and other such phrases. This is my way of stating that I have not personally verified the information HOWEVER I currently believe it just may be true. I call this: ADVANCED CRITICAL THINKING and it is a completely different way of viewing the world than your BLIND FAITH IN SCIENCE way of viewing reality.

APPARENTLY, the sun does not go around the Earth and the Earth actually revolves giving the impression that the sun is going around the Earth. I have not personally verified this premise, but I have personally verified that the sun goes around the Earth. Maybe one day I will verify that the Earth revolves. Until then, THE SUN GOES AROUND THE EARTH and I empirically verify this most every single day of my life. I will not surrender my empirically verifications to science, or religion, or anyone else, period! MY EMPIRICAL VERIFICATIONS ARE KING when it comes to determining what is real in MY LIFE. As for what is real in YOUR LIFE. Well, that's none of my business.


Let me give you an empirical example of HOW I FEEL the new science of modern Quantum Physics applies to my everyday life: I recently purchased a new Sterling MusicMan bass guitar and my new small 25 watt Hartke practice amp got here yesterday and i'm in the process of testing and breaking it in now.

I used to be a professional musical entertainer and I have two other bass guitars, One is a fretless and the other is very expensive and I have no desire to take it out of the house. This new bass was purchased mostly for looks in the hopes that it would inspire me to rehearse. Well, turns out this new MusicMan copy bass guitar is AWESOME and it's the only bass guitar I now want to play.

Okay, so I am focusing my Intent on playing along with the greatest Bob Marley Reggae tunes in my collection. Are the songs still the same as they used to be? NO, THEY ARE NOT because I am ruthlessly listening to only the bass part and doing my best to tune out everything else. The more I do this the more I hear only the bass part with the rest of the song far in the background. The songs are the same and yet they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!

I feel this gives a basic example of what the new discoveries in Quantum Physics mean on a daily level. The reality we experience is, APPARENTLY, very different for each and everyone who is experiencing it. So, there apparently is NO OBJECTIVE WORLD 'out there'. Something is out there, but it is different to each and every person who experiences it. A tree falling in the forest makes no sound UNLESS there is someone nearby to hear the sound and that sound, APPARENTLY, does not sound exactly the same to each and every person who hears it.