Monday, October 20, 2014

((( VO 1 STAR TRUCK )))

Doing the voice over for Star Truck was quite an experience with the Xtranormal company. The first version was done with the stock program voices and did it ever sound stiff!!

Man, what a challenge for my voice to do all those voices. Sounding like a street-walking black ho was the worst. I guess it should hurt me the most, right? Serves me right for making Star Treak Uhura talk like that.

Since the Star Trek bridge was interracial I thought I would go all out and have silly fun with the concept. I NEVER let my mother, who lives thousands of miles away, see this video. Ohhhhhhh, she won't like it!

This is only for the strong who can take it

If you go to church regularly do yourself a favor and don't watch this video, okay?

Hey, you were warned, right?

This video is dedicated to how disappointed I was to find that one of the original Enterprise bridge-crew is gay. Which one? Watch the video and take a wild guess


Politically incorrect?


Yup, that's me!


Okay, at the 14:00 minute mark when the guy said

this billionaire's private jet has 24 carat gold cup holders

that was it!

I paused the video and 

decided to get at least somewhat drunk

on cheap vodka I get on sale

It's bad enough that the vodka is cheap,

but I only buy it when it's


I mean, these billionaires should have

their balls dipped in gold



For crying out loud!

But...I guess if you have the money

what are you supposed to do, scrimp and pinch every penny?

Or maybe you should give it all to Africa

so they can say 'thank you'


Do you know what I would rather have than a private jet?

Being invited to ride on one

First I'd go to a Mexican food restaurant and eat LOTS OF BEANS,

then board the jet and start making

my own brand of jet fuel!!

I would never get invited on one again,

but it would be one hell of a memory!