Thursday, June 26, 2014



It has been said that the total number of consciousnesses in the Universe I believe that to be true. One consciousness expressed in forms that APPEAR separate. The sense of separateness is an illusion, but a very relentlessly compelling one indeed! Many are here on a vacation from having things easy in celestial realms. The particular lives we have chosen are in direct contrast to the existences we had before we decided to come to this realm for a short lifetime. The overall goal is to renew our sense of wonder so that when we return to where we were our appreciation will be renewed.

Pleasure is not the reason why many have come here! If it was pleasure we wanted we would have stayed where we were. No, for many, the whole point of a life like this is THE PAIN!!! It's the pain for which many have come into this realm and the pleasures we may experience are like short rest periods between whatever sufferings we chose to endure as we initially set up and fully approved these lives.

It takes tremendous determination to unlock the Secrets of the Universe. Most will have nothing to do with such an endeavor. They are perfectly content in their particular miseries and have no desire to have that misery interrupted with the truth. I respect such decisions and I know that no matter what is revealed to such people they will never accept it. At best they will laugh it all off as nonsense. That's as it should be...FOR THEM

As for myself, I've decided that I want to enjoy the rest of my life as much as I possibly can before Mother Nature FINALLY shows how much She appreciates all those SCIENTIFIC nuclear tests and the various pollutions desecrating this planet THANKS TO SCIENCE!!!

Yes, humanity will soon have a tremendous price to pay as Mother Nature gives humanity the proverbial 'bill' for the desecration of the Sacred Being known to humanity as planet Earth. My overall goal is to do my best to temporarily musically pacify an enraged Mother Nature while I do my best to live a life I am proud of for that is the nature of TRUE WEALTH!!!

There are those who are tricked into thinking that true wealth is measured in dollars, cents and in gold and silver. Fact of the matter is EVERYTHING with a beginning and end is an illusion. The only true wealth anyone has is the wealth they take with them when the end this illusional life and face the oncoming time of eternity. True wealth is the product of as clear a conscience as possible and the certainty of a life well lived. If one can honestly say they left this world even a little bit better than when they came into it they will most probably be able to look forward to eternal rewards, if such rewards will be made available

The basic way you judge others will be the same standards you will eventually use to judge yourself as you review your life. If, after reviewing your life, you honestly decide that you do not deserve to be rewarded even if rewards are offered you will not be able to enjoy them.





Your money is an illusion! Supposedly, those in power are aiming towards micro-chipping the population, doing away with all other currency and putting all your money on the microchip; which I gather will be like some sort of micro-electronic flash drive. How the hell can they possibly do that? The only way is through typed and transmitted numbers. How much bloody gold can you fit in a microchip? I gather the exact same amount as can fit in a credit card. If all it takes is writing numbers then all those in power have to do is keep adding zeros to their own bank accounts and they can make themselves as rich as they bloody want!!!!

NO! The only thing that is truly real is the part of you that has no beginning or end. That is the part of you still existing after you die. All the rest you will leave behind and your consciousness will eventually determine whether or not you deserve to be rewarded or punished!




And all your former money, whether a dollar or trillions will be worth nothing to you, except as reason for misery, if you judge yourself unworthy of eternal rewards because of how you obtained that money and how you lived your life. A wasted and squandered life is a terrible crime...against oneself!

Blessed indeed are those 

who leave this world 

with as clear a conscience as possible

for that is the nature of True Wealth