Saturday, October 19, 2013


American President Obama is indeed a paragon of patience. He has probably had moments of OUTRAGEOUS RAGE over this government shutdown matter. You would never know it by watching him speak. So kind, patient and tolerant and willing to work with anyone to better his country

I wouldn't be at all surprised if we eventually find it is MANDATORY for every member of the Klu Klux Klan to also be a member of the Tea Party. Republican house speaker Boehner is probably the main poster boy in every secret KKK chamber. Oh, how you Tea Party members long for the good old 8 years of Bush as president, right? ((( RIGHT??? ))) You are racist scum and you know it!!!!

If the Supreme Court creates a law and I don't like that law THAT'S MY TOUGH LUCK!! If I choose to break that law, I get arrested and thrown in jail. If I, instead, find a way to shut down the government are refuse to open the government until I get my way I would probably be shot and killed by the police swat teams at the first opportunity. Turn this situation around. Suppose Obama was the one who shut the government down. HE'D PROBABLY BE DEAD NOW!!! And what? On Jan 15 2014 are the Republicans going to pull the same shit again???

Well, next election I Intend to be voting all those Republicans out of office WITH A VENGEANCE!!!