Wednesday, July 16, 2014


A backing track,

for voice & guitar, of the song White Room by Cream

created two-steps lower than the original

Actually, there is some sort of mystical power

in the guitar work of Eric Clapton during his tenure with Cream

He's lost shall I call it...sacredness

Certain people sensed this that is why, for a time

his fans were saying that Eric Clapton was God!

You have to be able to work with energy

in order to know what I'm talking about here


It was something...that can't be properly put into words

It is something I am determined to summon and harness

It's a matter of pulling out the proverbial diamond

and leaving the proverbial dirt behind

You probably don't understand what I mean and that's just as well

However, I KNOW it is my destiny

to summon that force, in its purest form,

and harness it through expression in my guitar playing
