Sunday, October 20, 2013


When science was created by atheists they were obviously certain that the more they studied into the nature of reality the more simple and easily explainable reality would become. They were obviously certain there was no miraculous ANYTHING involved with the reality we perceive


Turns out, the more they study into the nature of reality the more illogical and irrational reality is proving itself to be; and that is the nature of a miracle. A miracle is something that defies all sense of logic and reason and happens anyhow.

Well, I have just described the supposedly irrational and illogical world of reality at the quantum mechanical level. Atoms are obviously insane. They cannot possibly be the way they are and yet make up the daily reality we tend to take for granted.

From my studies, Quantum Physicists have been forced to become philosophers because they really don't have much of a clue what the heck is going on with what was once thought of as dependably solid reality. Turns out "reality" is not solid at all and is made up of mostly empty space. Or so they say.

Many are now inclined to believe that our reality and the universe is some sort of miraculously sophisticated hologram and stretches out to infinity in all directions equally. Atheist scientists are now certain they have found...


How ironic that atheist scientists would end up convincing the rich to fund their attempt to find "The God Particle". Now that's a definition of irony that should be in a dictionary somewhere. Atheist scientists convincing the rich to spend billions of dollars to find "The God Particle". Absurd to the third power, at least.

Well, at least the atheists were able to reduce God to a "particle".

At far....

Maybe all it will take is spending another ten-billion-dollars to find something else...equally useless on a daily level. To hell with the sick and starving. Science must move on!!!!

I would imagine that scientists who convinced the super-rich to spend ten-billion on this project could sell you your own underwear while you have it on.

They need to make a video explaining the usefulness of The God Particle so that even the mentally retarded can understand it. Personally, spending, what, ten-billion-dollars to find this ridiculous particle seems like a waste of money to me, but what do I know, right? These guys can toss a million bucks into the gutter every day and not notice the loss, right? Sheesh!

The French version makes more sense

and I don't understand French

The more I study into this Higgs Boson God Particle

the more I feel it's a smokescreen bullshit ploy of physicists desperate

to justify all the money they've spent on this ridiculously useless project

But, of course, we're just too dumb to understand

how important this project is