Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We obviously live in a time of all kinds of charlatan trickery going on. In order to keep our lives firmly rooted in as "real" a world as possible we can no longer afford to toss away our empirical experiences in favor of 'blind faith' in anyone or anything. Science would have us believe that our personal perspectives are insignificant, but I say OUR PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES are KING when it comes to determining what is or is not real in our PERSONAL LIVES.

Let me demonstrate what I mean: Most every single day of our lives FROM OUR PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE the sun goes around the Earth. That is fact. Even the weather reports call it "Sunrise" and "Sunset". Science would have us deny our empirical experiences in favor of...


I say, from OUR PERSPECTIVES the sun goes around the Earth. That is a fact most everyone can empirically verify for themselves. As for the Earth spinning...that is mythology and should be treated as mythology until PERSONALLY VERIFIED AS TRUE!

Don't allow science to trick you into thinking that your personal perspective of reality is insignificant and irrelevant! Blind faith is a dangerous road to travel and many are blowing themselves up in 'blind faith'. I say: If you are wise you will place your empirical verifications at the proverbial TOP OF THE LIST of what is real FOR YOU and not allow people with their wild stories, religious or otherwise, to trick you into tossing away your ability to critically think about what is real FOR YOU in favor of blind faith.


Now, it is logical and reasonable that if you do not have blind faith that life is worth living you will not be able to function and will most probably end up committing suicide. So, blind faith that life is worth living is essential for being able to function successfully as a human.

Also, having blind faith that you can accomplish great things in life if you reach for the manifestation of a dream, with ruthless tenacity, refusing to give up is essential to accomplishing great things with your lives. Blindly believing you will accomplish what you are reaching for OR something even better will attract and manifest itself for you is the bedrock of true greatness. Without such blind faith, chances are, you will NEVER accomplish anything truly great with your lives.

These are examples of core beliefs I feel we must accept on blind faith in order to function successfully as humans. So, I believe there are indeed exceptions to the general rule of not blindly believing ANYONE or ANYTHING you have not personally verified as true.

Then again you can personally, empirically verify that if you experiment with blindly believing that life is not worth living...well...I don't suggest you do it for long for you will see just how powerful blind faith can be!



All I'm saying is that: 

until consciousness is fully understood 
we might very well be living in the dream of 
a super-conscious mind that expands the entire cosmos 

That's not saying much, right?

In the scenario I described 
all that would be required is to remember who we truly are 
in order to access limitless potential to remake our personal lives 
any way we may see fit.

Also, it would be imperative to respect the desires 
of people who secretly want problems in their miserable lives 
and to make certain we don't ruin their misery with the truth about their natures. 
They wouldn't want to understand anyhow.