Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The placebo effect makes it quite clear the mind has hidden powers to heal if only the person can believe. Their faith in the placebo pills caused the healings in some mysterious way.

I believe the concept of Reconnective healing is based upon connecting up to the very power that heals people in the placebo effect. It is a matter of getting to know that power empirically and allowing it to flow through one's being and heal as only it knows how.

The New Paradigm says that we do not live in a dead, meaningless, clock-like universe, as old, dead science believes. It says that, in actuality, we live in a Sentient, Conscious, Alive Universe Vibrating with Awareness. 

The double-slit experiment points towards the conclusion that light is sentient and aware and the fact that many have benefited from The Reconnective Healing techniques says a lot more than dead, meaningless, clock-like scientific conclusions.



According to the movie Thrive

and the movie Sirius

Clean, free energy alternatives

have been ruthlessly suppressed by

by oil rich families like the Bush family

because they cannot put a meter on these devices

and charge people a monthly rate

for the energy they use


I donated to help get the movie Sirius made

I also purchased 5 extra DVDs of the movie

3 will go to the public library and 

2 will go to the local video store

I'm doing my part to help

You should be trying to help as well,

rather than sitting back and expecting

to get everything for free