Tuesday, October 28, 2014

((( GRANDIO SO )))

VOCO - Direkte Restauration | VOCO GmbH


Dear Dr K,

Since it comes from the company website I believe this is the OFFICIAL safety data sheet for BPA-free Grandio So:


I just spoke with a representative of the company and he says the safety data sheet contains any dangerous substances


Since the government has not OFFICIALLY determined the chemical BPS is dangerous even if it is in Grandio So it will not be listed.


THAT COULD CHANGE ANY DAY, but as it now stands, Grandio SO has been on the market for a few years and no one has exhibited any adverse reactions from it.

After speaking with the representative I now feel it all comes down to what we choose to believe. No matter where you may go on the Internet there are all sorts of conflicting opinions on many diverse subjects. We have to weigh out the evidence and finally decide...WHAT WE CHOOSE TO BELIEVE because we cannot be absolutely certain about the things we have not personally verified.

My conversation with the Grandio SO representative has been very enlightening for me. What he taught me has wider ramifications than just the Grandio SO product. It expands to encompass EVERYTHING I choose to believe in life; religion, politics, GMO, fluoride, etc, etc, etc....

So, I choose to believe Grandio SO is, at least, one of the very best BPA free composite fillings material available. If this is what you have ordered I also choose to believe that with your many years of experience, as a dentist, you are more than qualified to remove these amalgam fillings and replace them with Grandio SO.

I choose to have faith in you, Dr K. So let's schedule an appointment, okay?
