Wednesday, October 30, 2013



"When you are inspired...dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dream yourself to be."

- Patanjali


It is indeed of great value to seek that which inspires one to positive action many times during the day; and every day. I believe that the greatest by far are those who can create inspiration, AT WILL, from their lives. Such people are like surfers who create perfect waves to surf from their imaginations. Of course, creating a physical wave to surf is a lot more difficult, in theory, than creating motivating inspiration in one's life AND THAT IS INDEED ENCOURAGING!

It's a matter of thinking of what truly inspires one to greatness in life. What is it that I truly want to accomplish? How best can I accomplish the manifestations of my most wonderful dreams. Sending questions like this out into the Universe many times a day beats the hell out of watching television game shows when it comes to the orchestration of one's life.

Supposedly the genius behind Apple computers, Steve Jobs, was quoted as saying that people should think along the lines of designing and building a life rather than just living a life. I agree!

So, from this moment on, just what kind of life do I want to build?

A life of greater Strength, Health, Overflowing Abundant Prosperity; with ever increasing reasons to be grateful and appreciative

I'd say that's enough to work towards for now

((( PARVATI )))

Vishnu has deferred his primordial 

powers of destruction to Shiva

Thus making Shiva 

the most dangerous being in all the Universes

I now understand that it is Parvati

who puts the smile on Shiva's face

and brings out the love in Him

Without Parvati's love

Shiva would be mean all the time

when He comes out of meditative trance

for Shiva usually comes out of meditative trance

when people piss him off!!!

Shiva prefers being in a trance state

because in a trance state He is One with the entire cosmos

The only time Shiva Mahadev truly enjoys

coming out of a trance state is when inspired to do so

by the love of Parvati and His two sons

Shiva has changed much

He can now be more loving than He used to be

Parvati's Divine influence

has forever transformed Him for the better

Thank you, Parvati!!!