From: Spedowske, Gretchen
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:41 PM
To: Spedowske, Gretchen
Good day to you,
l am the Chief Risk Officer and Executive Director of China Guangfa Bank in Hong Kong. I want to present you as the owner of 49.5 million USD In my bank since i am the only one aware of the funds due to my investigations. signify your interest by replying to this email: jameshk7@rogers.com
James Morrow.
Where the fuck were you when I needed 49.5 million dollars? Nowhere to be found. Now you can go fuck yourself! I just may use Skype to call you at the China Guangfa Bank in Hong Kong and tell you myself!!
How do you say 'go fuck yourself' in Chinese?
I mean, if you truly are the "only one aware of the funds due to my investigations" why don't you keep the money yourself? Because someone else who has no idea the money is there might find out?