Friday, April 3, 2015



It can take a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF STRENGTH to let go of all the negativity that holds me back and only hang onto the specific anger that propels me forward to victory. All this information about the pollution in the world has threatened to sink me into a 'sea of hopeless negativity'. What good will I be to ANYONE if I allow that to happen?

I mostly do not watch the news reports anymore. It's just not worth it for me to stick my nose in the business of others. They don't care about my problems and, guess what? THE FEELING IS NOW MUTUAL!!! I can't afford to go into depression thinking about the problems. I have to focus on possible solutions and use what I have learned to motivate me to succeed.

In this video Arnold says when the "possible" is not good enough to create a solution you have to reach for the IMPOSSIBLE!

It's "impossible" that this planet is a living being, right? It's "impossible" for me to use music and Tai Chi bodybuilding dance to entertain and cheer up Mother Nature, right? There is no possible way that will make any difference, right? You're absolutely certain of that, right?

Well, Arnold said MANY were absolutely certain that he could NEVER be successful as an actor. He was too big, muscularly, and his accent would always make it impossible for him; not to mention people trying to pronounce his name. Arnold proved them ALL WRONG!!

Chances are Arnold would read about my vision and say it is impossible. It's impossible that the Earth is a living being. It's impossible for me to use music and dance as vehicles to entertain and pacify an enraged Mother least until I am dead. Well, I don't see how I have any choice. The rape of the Earth continues to increase as well as the human population.


So, as usual, I will have to move towards greater strength without hope, striving to increase the realization of my dream, and...hope for the best.