Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I am now working on the second version of a video animated from a photograph...that you will never see. It is just for myself and my loved ones

I'm also getting ideas from Intent that the most important animated videos I will ever create are those deliberately created for reprogramming my subconscious mind through self-hypnosis. They will not be seen by anyone outsides of my family.

As a matter of fact, most will most probably not be seen by anyone else besides myself and will never be uploaded to YouTube.

It's interesting as I never expected this turn of events!

Never in my wildest imaginations would I have believed that the main, and most important, function of CrazyTalk Animator Pro would be for creating videos deliberately and assertively designed for re-programming my subconscious mind for success!

Success for me means pacifying an enraged Mother Earth and getting Her to wait until I am dead before She unleashes Her full fury against the human race. Working towards healing Mother Earth to the very best of my abilities through my entire being is the MOST IMPORTANT THING I can do by reprogramming of my subconscious mind using CrazyTalk Animator Pro!

Whether anyone else agrees with me or not is completely irrelevant