Friday, September 20, 2013


Below this post I talk about the legendary Delta Blues guitarist Robert Johnson and the myth that he became known as King of the Delta Blues after, allegedly, selling his soul to the Devil at a crossroads in Clarksdale Mississippi.

Well, that is an interesting myth. Today I suddenly came across videos stating that John Lennon sold his soul and that is why The Beatles became so miraculously famous.

The concept hit me like a sudden flash. Especially as I watched a number of other videos about many artists who have apparently sold their souls to the Devil for fame and fortune

I thought about how pathetic it is that one cannot hope to accomplish anything truly great in the world unless one sells his or her soul to the devil. What? If you go to God the best you can hope for is producing mediocre crap? I mean, how pathetic an insult is it that a person has to sell his or her soul to be really, really successful in life?

It makes me wonder. From studies I have done it seems that Satan DESPERATELY wants control over this world and its inhabitants. I mean Satan REALLY, REALLY WANTS THIS!!!!

In contrast, I find it impossible to imagine that Jesus cares much about this world. For being killed for the sins of the world, Jesus probably lives in outrageous luxury. A luxury beyond all conceivable human concepts of riches and luxury. The sum of the near-death experiences I have read about give testimony to this. You never get the feeling that Jesus wants more luxury than He has.

As for Jesus' Father. Well...He, apparently, happens to own billions upon billions of galaxies and can create more just by thinking of them. So what does he care about this tiny planet? From the looks of events in the world God doesn't seem to care much at all.

On the one hand we have Satan who DESPERATELY wants this planet. On the other we have God and Jesus who, most probably, don't really care much one way or the other if Satan eventually gets this planet. I mean, hasn't Satan suffered enough? How much torture does it take before God FINALLY get's tired of torturing His Creation?

Speculation, speculation, speculation, seems to me fallen Angel Lucifer has some VERY LEGITIMATE GRIPES and Jesus is being rewarded more than enough.

I don't know

What I do know is that I can't condone torture


That's right, God! I say you torturing your creation is... 


What? You want me to lie to you?

Ah. what the hell

I just may be writing my doom here

Better stop while I'm behind

And 1965 ended with The Beatles

as the biggest band the world had ever seen

Then John essentially said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus

and all their fame began to turn against them

Mobs who love you can easily turn into

mobs who hate you

Fame is not as worth having

as the media would make you believe

So, if John had made a pact with the Devil

would he be the only one of the Beatles

forced to say such a thing

whether he wanted to or not?

The great unsolved mystery!

Fame sucks!

'Jesus loves you, John!

Jesus died for you, because we say so

and if you don't believe it we are going to kill you!'

Motivated by their religious leaders

the masses were brainwashed into forcing John

to believe Jesus loves him by

threatening his life!!!


You really need me to tell you that

if you want to convince someone

that God loves him


What's the use?

The moronic idiots will never believe

This truth will obviously never

set them free