Thursday, March 27, 2014



"You people who feel you are critical thinkers and just blindly believe people like Michael Shermer at face value without personally verifying anything that he 'preaches' are, in actuality, gullible blind faith believing fools!! From my studies Shermer is INCORRECT about Ganesh being the most worshiped deity in India. At least, not in the sense that Ganesh is considered the supreme deity in India. From my studies. Ganesh is worshiped to remove the obstacles that keep one's prayers from being as effective as they could be when praying to the Supreme, usually in the form of Vishnu or Shiva. Shermer leaves one with the impression that Ganesh is considered the Supreme deity in India and, in that sense, I believe Michael Shermer is indeed incorrect!

In the final analysis I strongly believe that who you say you believe in is not the main issue. The main issue is how you strive to live your lives. As far as I am concerned, it seems ridiculous that human consciousness and intelligence came into being by "accident". To blindly feel that everything that is has come into being by "accident", as these atheist Shermer types blindly tend to believe, is ridiculous to me.

Science blind people like Michael Shermer tend to act absolutely certain about things they are, in actuality, NOT ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN OF!!! In this video Shermer essentially says that it is instinctively the way of animals, and humans, to wisely assume that any rustle in the bushes may very well be a predatory animal of some sort; just to be on the safe side. That is the way animals in nature tend to react. From my studies, they don't take any chances in a world where everything seems to be eating everything else.

Expand this concept and consider that it is not wise to take your chances and blindly assume there is no predatory type of God who will eventually judge you by the way you lived. I say: THE WISE WILL STRIVE TO LIVE A GOOD, STRONG, HEALTHY, LOVINGLY GRATEFUL & APPRECIATIVE LIFE just in case there is a God who will eventually judge them for the ways that they lived.

If you pride yourselves on being critical thinkers then I strongly suggest you ruthlessly critically think about ANYTHING this Michael Shermer states and not accept it all on BLIND FAITH!!!

C'mon folks. Let's get real. Take a proverbial step back and consider people like Leonardo Da Vinci and the great musical and artistic masters of the past. Now, does it really make sense that their intelligence and inspiration all accident? If you truly think for yourselves I'm sure you will agree that this "accident" THEORY of atheist scientists is ridiculous! To believe it on blind faith in science is even MORE ridiculous!!"


"The problem, I see, with science is that it was 'born' out of violent, WELL JUSTIFIED, rage against the Christian religion. Heck, If my loved ones or friends were tortured to death for being original thinkers I would be violently bitter against the church as well, for crying out loud!!!

Things have changed. The Christian church no longer tortures people to death for not blindly believing their religious doctrine...or so I am led to believe. However, science in general has not changed in its overall agenda of trying to destroy all faith in God.

People like Shermer don't want to admit that science is basically divided into two camps: Those who believe there is no super intelligence guiding and sustaining the universe and those who do believe in the possibility of a super intelligent consciousness guiding and sustaining the reality we experience.

Each side of this debate has their purported "experts" with fancy sounding rhetoric to support their stances. Each acts as though their respective authorities are absolutely correct. To me it is a ridiculous clown show! Acting as though you are certain of things you are not actually certain of is just plain ridiculous! I say, the wise will leave the matter open and be ready for any new discoveries to alter their current views on the true nature of reality"


"Well, what's the matter? Have I single-handedly defeated ALL you blind faith skeptics and put you in your place? Hey, that's quite impressive, if you think about it. All I had backing me up is the Spirit of Mother Nature's Intent to clear away the imposed Bildergerg 'fog' of the mind that has been insidiously instilled in us through the Bilderberg agenda approved scholastic systems and their MIND CONTROL media.

From my studies I now believe that, since it's inception, MK-Ultra mind control techniques have been secretly transferred to the television media. Only THEIR APPROVED programs make it into THEIR MEDIA. Those programs...they should have used a different term. I mean "PROGRAMS" makes it quite evident that THEY are using television to PROGRAM YOUR MINDS!!!!

I'd say it's true that television is indeed the ULTIMATE HYPNOTIST!!!

You bunch of skeptic suckers who always fall for whatever "official story" the media vomits on you!!! Whether it be about UFOs, or psychic abilities, or 9/11 or whatever the fuck they want to PROGRAM you with. You skeptic suckers are easy blind faith bait for the masters of societies. You are unwitting proverbial lab rat idiots!!!

I hear they call you "sheeple" and they laugh as they say it. You skeptics are a bunch of well programmed, blind faith morons; blindly believing everything people like Michael Shermer say as though he's the 27th coming of whatshisface!"


Atheist science and it's representatives, like Mr Shermer, would like to have you believe that all truly intelligent people do not believe in God. They would like you to blindly believe this at face value AND YOU BLIND FAITH SKEPTIC SUCKERS USUALLY DO!!!

Just because people like Michael Shermer come off as though every truly intelligent person does not believe in God you suckers fall for it!!! Well, I believe there are MANY very intelligent genius scientists who believe there is some sort of intelligent consciousness controlling reality and I believe the proverbial 'father' of Quantum theory was one of those geniuses!!!

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

-Max Planck

It is said that the great Quantum Physics genius Erwin Schroedinger was profoundly influenced by Vedic thought. That means his view of quantum reality would be much more in alignment with that of Deepak Chopra than Michael Shermer.

So don't be fooled into thinking that all truly intelligent people are staunch atheist skeptics!


"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

-Max Planck







Of course, the Bilderbergers have nothing to fear from me attempting to be the "hero" of a bunch of dumb, programmed, idiot sheeple. I might as well have written this to a bunch of literal sheep, for all the good it will do them.

Anyone who reads my responses to the skeptics will most certainly come to the conclusion that I have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of being their "hero".

People like Alex Jones and David Icke seem to feel that exposing the wicked is the answer. I say: from my personal empirical experiences, Mother Nature is about to go KILLING BERSERK!!! This is no time to be trying to expose ANYONE!! This is a time to celebrate! These are the 'good old days'. I strongly suggest you put aside as much bullshit as you possibly can and...

((( CELEBRATE!!! )))