Well, at least he has a license, right?
Is it against the law to let your dog drive a car?
I don't think it is
What is that funky smell??

Hey, look what I can do!!!

((( OH BOY! OH BOY!! OH BOY!!! )))
And then I have to to this
and then I have to do that
and then I have to do the other thing
and, oh dear, did I forget something?
I think I'll just...UMPH!!!
'Oh, so you think you're a Jedi, eh?'
'Yeah, that's right! What'cha gonna do about it!'

'So long, sucker!! Heh, heh, heh....'

'You are getting sleeeeeepy'

'Nope. I'm not doing anything...
maybe I should think about this some more'