The BIG secret of the Universe is:
What we call "reality" is actually
taking place within the mind of God;
it is a cosmic dream on a universal scale
People tend to feel that
are great and wonderful things
being kept from us, but there is
another possibility...
It just may be that we deliberately
chose to live these lives in order to forget
"the secrets of the universe"
because they are too boring to remember!!

I recently had a waking vision
where God said to me that
people being tortured in hell may be in pain,
but they are not bored
Think of the implications
Supposedly, God said that if He has to suffer
He would rather suffer in forms being tortured
than to suffer from a boredom so consuming
we can barely begin to understand it
From all my research and personal experience
I am now more convinced than ever
that there is some sort of God creating and running the universe
and that God is borderline INSANE from boredom
It is the boredom of God that gives birth to evil
Evil is the expression of the boredom of God
So, God is insane and running the universe
with no one capable of stopping Him
Considering this, I suggest you skeptics
don't piss Him off!!
I'm being led to believe that in order to really love life
we must only remember enough of our true natures
to have the most amount of fun possible
Remember too much
and the whole point of coming here...
is ruined