Thursday, October 31, 2013




The BIG secret of the Universe is:

What we call "reality" is actually

taking place within the mind of God;

it is a cosmic dream on a universal scale

People tend to feel that


are great and wonderful things

being kept from us, but there is

another possibility...

It just may be that we deliberately

chose to live these lives in order to forget

"the secrets of the universe"

because they are too boring to remember!!


I recently had a waking vision

where God said to me that

people being tortured in hell may be in pain,

but they are not bored


Think of the implications

Supposedly, God said that if He has to suffer

He would rather suffer in forms being tortured

than to suffer from a boredom so consuming

we can barely begin to understand it


From all my research and personal experience

I am now more convinced than ever

that there is some sort of God creating and running the universe

and that God is borderline INSANE from boredom

It is the boredom of God that gives birth to evil

Evil is the expression of the boredom of God

So, God is insane and running the universe

with no one capable of stopping Him

Considering this, I suggest you skeptics

don't piss Him off!!

I'm being led to believe that in order to really love life

we must only remember enough of our true natures

to have the most amount of fun possible


Remember too much

and the whole point of coming here...

is ruined

Wednesday, October 30, 2013



"When you are inspired...dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dream yourself to be."

- Patanjali


It is indeed of great value to seek that which inspires one to positive action many times during the day; and every day. I believe that the greatest by far are those who can create inspiration, AT WILL, from their lives. Such people are like surfers who create perfect waves to surf from their imaginations. Of course, creating a physical wave to surf is a lot more difficult, in theory, than creating motivating inspiration in one's life AND THAT IS INDEED ENCOURAGING!

It's a matter of thinking of what truly inspires one to greatness in life. What is it that I truly want to accomplish? How best can I accomplish the manifestations of my most wonderful dreams. Sending questions like this out into the Universe many times a day beats the hell out of watching television game shows when it comes to the orchestration of one's life.

Supposedly the genius behind Apple computers, Steve Jobs, was quoted as saying that people should think along the lines of designing and building a life rather than just living a life. I agree!

So, from this moment on, just what kind of life do I want to build?

A life of greater Strength, Health, Overflowing Abundant Prosperity; with ever increasing reasons to be grateful and appreciative

I'd say that's enough to work towards for now

((( PARVATI )))

Vishnu has deferred his primordial 

powers of destruction to Shiva

Thus making Shiva 

the most dangerous being in all the Universes

I now understand that it is Parvati

who puts the smile on Shiva's face

and brings out the love in Him

Without Parvati's love

Shiva would be mean all the time

when He comes out of meditative trance

for Shiva usually comes out of meditative trance

when people piss him off!!!

Shiva prefers being in a trance state

because in a trance state He is One with the entire cosmos

The only time Shiva Mahadev truly enjoys

coming out of a trance state is when inspired to do so

by the love of Parvati and His two sons

Shiva has changed much

He can now be more loving than He used to be

Parvati's Divine influence

has forever transformed Him for the better

Thank you, Parvati!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I must admit there are certain beings

from the cherished beliefs of people

who inspire the very best in me

The overall religions do nothing much for me

but certain particular beings fire my imagination

In my heart they are great friends

and they inspire me to believe


The Hindu Trinity of

Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu are...


of those beings

'I look upon all creatures equally,
none are more or less dear to me;
yet those who turn to Me with love and devotion,
they are in Me and I come to life in and through them.'

~ Bhagavad-Gita Ch 9 vs 29 (paraphrased) ~


It is important to note
that although there are many stories
about Hindu gods and what they purportedly did
there is no greater Hindu wisdom, I have encountered,
than what was shared, in the Bhagavad-Gita, through
who I feel is Vishnu's greatest Avatar

The Supreme Personality of Godhead

Lord Krishna

My personal belief system

demands nothing

and encourages all that is good and wonderful

inspiring the opening of the doors of the miraculous!




Monday, October 28, 2013



Shiva Mahadev is My Friend



I've seen it in my mind's eye over and over and over

It keeps replaying and getting clearer over the years

In this inner-vision I continually work towards

becoming stronger and healthier in all good and wonderful ways

I continue to give my best performing for Mother Nature

in the hopeless hope that I can pacify Her enough

to wait until I am dead before She goes berserk

Then one day something happens...

I awake to what seems to be an ordinary day

except that I feel somehow lighter and

more detached from everything than usual

There's a part of my body that aches as I get up

I concentrate my Intent of 

health and strength into the region


I test this apparent healing to surprisingly find


if I want it to be

I then take an evaluation of my body

One by one I heal all aspects of my body

that have been giving me trouble

I look in the mirror and find I can basically

alter my appearance by 'seeing' myself

as I truly want to look

I find I can make myself fatter

or transform the fat into muscle at will!

As I laugh I know, instinctively,

that I must maintain a disguise among people

They must not even suspect

I have such power over myself and my personal reality

I also instinctively realize that


and it is not my business to interfere

with the lives they have chosen to live

My victory is for myself and my loved ones

including Mother Earth equally

I focus my intent to heal

myself, my loved ones and Mother Earth equally

and will powerfully concentrated intent

envisioning overflowing abundant prosperity for us all

Intending ever increasing reasons to be grateful and appreciative

and then...




I've been made aware of the importance

of honoring Brahma for when it comes to 

creating from imagination

into three-dimensional reality

((( BRAHMA IS KING!! )))

Sunday, October 27, 2013


From my studies I now believe that ANYONE who gives predictions for the future should qualify them by saying something like, "If nothing changes the timeline.." and ONLY THEN give the prediction. Supposedly, the future is not set in "stone". Anything can happen to change the timeline and the prediction either will not come true or will be postponed. Personally, I gave my best to POSTPONE whatever was supposed to happen on Dec 21, 2012. Apparent far. As for tomorrow. Anyone's guess.

Through my five near-death experiences I have learned that the universe is indeed Sentient, Conscious & Aware. I've learned that the best way to live is through detachment from the maya illusion of life, whenever possible, and to work towards strengthening my relationship with my source for when you are on great terms with the source of everything life tends to function best and one can have faith that adversity can be transformed into blessings. ALL THINGS come from the source; good & evil.

I've learned that suffering because one reaches for living a virtuous life is the currency of the Spirit. To endure the sufferings as best as one can, in this Sodom & Gomorrah society, always striving to be grateful and appreciative for the good in one's life is pleasing to the Sentient Universe and inspires Divine blessings to be bestowed. The wise become determined to use EVERYTHING to one's advantage and this eventually becomes...the Ultimate Revenge. Success is for the Strong in the Spirit

When the idiot Christians finally realize they are giving power to their "Anti-Christ" by being so very certain of his coming and what he is going to do they will be quite shocked. The Biblical book of Revelation was supposedly controversial before included in the official Christian canon. It inspires fear and hopelessness, not love. All those Christians would do well to reject that book and focus on the Anti-Christ changing his mind and doing something constructive instead. That would be wise!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Through the scandal of the Piltdown Man

I can now clearly see how easily it is for idiot atheist scientific scum

to be tricked and DEAD WRONG about their precious

((( THEORY ))) of evolution

If you skeptics are wise you will learn from this scandal

before you are all fired dead certain of ((( ANYTHING! )))

So, what else might you be wrong about, skeptics?

None of my business

((( OM SHIVA )))

Shiva My Friend

((( OM SHIVA )))

Shiva My Friend

((( OM SHIVA )))

Shiva My Friend


I'll be honest. It takes a lot to really shake me up in this day and age, but this video really did shake me up. They screen all their comments and refuse to release mine, but as you get towards the end of it you find that you cannot even trust Billy Graham to be right with the Christian God. 

I wrote that if I cannot even blindly trust Billy Graham I'm supposed to blindly trust them?? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! I wrote that I was baptized in an Assemblies of God Pentecostal church and later heard that people speaking in tongues have been found to be saying all kinds of blasphemous things in languages they did not understand. I eventually felt I escaped from the Assemblies of God cult before they fully hooked me.

I wrote that the only hope for the world of man is TOLERANCE for the beliefs of others. Christianity has had over 2000 years to prove that intolerance for the beliefs of others is the way and IT DOESN'T WORK!! Jesus inspires loving tolerance, but religion does not! I wrote that they have no proof WHATSOEVER that Jesus ever performed ANY MIRACLE attributed to Him and they also have no proof that Jesus ever said any saying attributed to Him!!

I wrote: You people who push this video obviously don't have much of a clue what you are implying when you state that not even Billy Graham can be trusted. It all comes down to this: IF I CANNOT TRUST BILLY GRAHAM TO BE RIGHT WITH GOD THEN I CANNOT TRUST (((ANYONE))) TO BE RIGHT WITH GOD AND I'M ON MY OWN!!! I'll be damned if I'm going to blindly trust strangers like you who will not even release my comments!!!!! You are obviously determined to push Biblical INTOLERANCE AND I REFUSE TO TOLERATE INTOLERANT PEOPLE!!!

And: Still won't release any of my comments, eh? I doubt you would release Jesus' either if He posted here. The implications of not being able to trust Billy Graham to be right with God are FAR REACHING into MANY Christian denominations. If you expect me to believe I cannot trust Billy Graham, but I can trust you, when you won't even release my comments, is ridiculous!

I wrote that ANY GOD who demands more than expressions of my loving gratitude and appreciation is UNWORTHY of my loving gratitude and appreciation. That WORSHIP is the core of human madness and any god who demands my worship is just as insane as any human who demands my worship!!!

Of course, my comments will never see the light of YouTube day, but you can read the core of them here...for what it's worth. Shit, I'm probably going to hell for writing this so...














Monday, October 21, 2013


I would walk ten miles on my hands and knees
Ain't no doubt about it baby it's you I aim to please
I'd wrestle with a lion and a grizzly bear
It's my life baby but I don't care

Ain't that tuff enuff (X4)

For you baby I would swim the sea
Nothing I'd do for you that's too tuff for me
I'd put out a burning building with a shovel and dirt
And not even worry about getting hurt

Ain't that tuff enuff (X4)

I'd work twenty four hours seven days a week
Just so I come home and kiss your cheek
I love you in the morning and I love you at noon
I love you in the night and take you to the moon

Ain't that tuff enuff (X4)

I'd lay in a pile of burning money that I've earned
And not even worry about getting burned
I'd climb the empire state to fight Muhammad Ali
Just to have you baby close to me

Ain't that tuff enuff (X4)
Modulate to D
Ain't that tuff enuff (X8)

*New Electric Guitar Karaoke Song


On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
Said "leave this one alone"
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

I broke a thousand hearts
Before I met you
I'll break a thousand more, baby
Before I am through
I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone


I make a rich woman beg
I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman blush
And make a young girl squeal
I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone


And when I walk the streets
Kings and Queens step aside
Every woman I meet
They all stay satisfied
I wanna tell ya pretty baby
Well Ya see I make my own
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

*New Electric Guitar & Karaoke Song

Sunday, October 20, 2013


When science was created by atheists they were obviously certain that the more they studied into the nature of reality the more simple and easily explainable reality would become. They were obviously certain there was no miraculous ANYTHING involved with the reality we perceive


Turns out, the more they study into the nature of reality the more illogical and irrational reality is proving itself to be; and that is the nature of a miracle. A miracle is something that defies all sense of logic and reason and happens anyhow.

Well, I have just described the supposedly irrational and illogical world of reality at the quantum mechanical level. Atoms are obviously insane. They cannot possibly be the way they are and yet make up the daily reality we tend to take for granted.

From my studies, Quantum Physicists have been forced to become philosophers because they really don't have much of a clue what the heck is going on with what was once thought of as dependably solid reality. Turns out "reality" is not solid at all and is made up of mostly empty space. Or so they say.

Many are now inclined to believe that our reality and the universe is some sort of miraculously sophisticated hologram and stretches out to infinity in all directions equally. Atheist scientists are now certain they have found...


How ironic that atheist scientists would end up convincing the rich to fund their attempt to find "The God Particle". Now that's a definition of irony that should be in a dictionary somewhere. Atheist scientists convincing the rich to spend billions of dollars to find "The God Particle". Absurd to the third power, at least.

Well, at least the atheists were able to reduce God to a "particle".

At far....

Maybe all it will take is spending another ten-billion-dollars to find something else...equally useless on a daily level. To hell with the sick and starving. Science must move on!!!!

I would imagine that scientists who convinced the super-rich to spend ten-billion on this project could sell you your own underwear while you have it on.

They need to make a video explaining the usefulness of The God Particle so that even the mentally retarded can understand it. Personally, spending, what, ten-billion-dollars to find this ridiculous particle seems like a waste of money to me, but what do I know, right? These guys can toss a million bucks into the gutter every day and not notice the loss, right? Sheesh!

The French version makes more sense

and I don't understand French

The more I study into this Higgs Boson God Particle

the more I feel it's a smokescreen bullshit ploy of physicists desperate

to justify all the money they've spent on this ridiculously useless project

But, of course, we're just too dumb to understand

how important this project is

Saturday, October 19, 2013


American President Obama is indeed a paragon of patience. He has probably had moments of OUTRAGEOUS RAGE over this government shutdown matter. You would never know it by watching him speak. So kind, patient and tolerant and willing to work with anyone to better his country

I wouldn't be at all surprised if we eventually find it is MANDATORY for every member of the Klu Klux Klan to also be a member of the Tea Party. Republican house speaker Boehner is probably the main poster boy in every secret KKK chamber. Oh, how you Tea Party members long for the good old 8 years of Bush as president, right? ((( RIGHT??? ))) You are racist scum and you know it!!!!

If the Supreme Court creates a law and I don't like that law THAT'S MY TOUGH LUCK!! If I choose to break that law, I get arrested and thrown in jail. If I, instead, find a way to shut down the government are refuse to open the government until I get my way I would probably be shot and killed by the police swat teams at the first opportunity. Turn this situation around. Suppose Obama was the one who shut the government down. HE'D PROBABLY BE DEAD NOW!!! And what? On Jan 15 2014 are the Republicans going to pull the same shit again???

Well, next election I Intend to be voting all those Republicans out of office WITH A VENGEANCE!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Come over here

All you got is this moment
The twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want
Everybody does yeah that's okay

So slide over here
And give me a moment
Your moves are so raw
I've got to let you know
I've got to let you know
You're one of my kind

I need you tonight
'Cause I'm not sleeping
There's something about you girl
That makes me sweat

How do you feel
I'm lonely
What do you think
Can't take it all
What ya gonna do
Gonna live my life

*New Karaoke Song


PHOTO: ABC Television Network will air a 90-minute special featuring Lady Gaga and the Muppets

I say it's wise of the ABC Disney network

to wait till a couple of days after Thanksgiving

to air their 90 minute Lady Gaga & the Muppets special

After all, we wouldn't want to have the 'turkey' families

who have their kids watch it bring up undigested turkey, right?

Mother's have enough kid puke to deal with, for crying out loud!

Gaga's message to American families:

'I don't know what the hell you've heard,

but I'm actually a good influence on your kids!'

I would imagine, unlike Katy Perry,

Lady Gaga will not be showing any boobies

because, as we all know, after years of breast feeding

that's the last thing kids want to see

An apparently traumatized Elmo

secretly says:

'WTF? I'm outta here!!!!'

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I've developed my own personal style

of Indian Tabla Drum playing that I call:


It combines traditional Tabla with Latin Conga style of playing

In Indian music the high Tabla is usually tuned to the note C or C#

I find that to be inadequate for Western playing which centers around the note:

A 440

So I tune my high Tabla to A and my lower Tabala Baya drum to E if not microphoned

or D if using a microphone. The lower the note the less volume you get from the drum

By using the A and E or D tuning it puts the Tabla drums in tune

with standard Western music. Plus it puts less strain on the head of the drum

If you have never replaced a Tabla drum head


It is hell to do and, if possible,



Towards this end I do something not recommended

I periodically treat the heads with coconut oil

I do this to keep the heads moisturized

If this is not done the heads will dry out and crack

and you will have to change them

The high drum may not ring as crisp,

but that can be compensated for

by turning up the treble when using a microphone on the drum

I've read that Indian Tabla Drums

are considered deities by many

and I can understand why


I now remember that I call them "My Babies"

When I haven't played them for a while

they have to be 'woken up'

This can take a few days of pampering

Now that they are finally awake again

I remember why I don't like to play them


It's used on the big Baya drum and it's messy!!


and because I don't like to use the talcum powder

I end up not playing the drums


So, I'm modifying my style

I'm creating a new tabla style that requires


Except for, maybe, when recording

I should mention that another problem with Tablas

is that to play like the master Zakir Hussain

requires that you play each drum

as though you are using two-hands

This is for the fast, flashy stuff

Try to imagine what it would be like

for a Latin conga player to do rolls on the conga drum

with one-hand


The conga player does fast rolls


and that's how I do them with my


Also, I base my melodies

on Western dance 4/4 rhythms

not Indian insane 16/4 and whatnot time signatures

It's really ridiculous and the Western mindset

does not think in such outrageous rhythms


He rode a blazing saddle
He wore a shining star
His job to offer battle
To bad men near and far

He conquered fear and he conquered hate
He turned our night into day
He made his blazing saddle
A torch to light the way

When outlaws rule the West
And fear fills the land
A cry went up for a man with guts
To take the West in hand

They needed a man who was brave and true
With justice for all as his aim
Then out of the sun rode a man with a gun
And Bart was his name, yes, Bart was his name

*New Karaoke Song

Thursday, October 10, 2013

((( WHATEVER )))


Chances are there are MILLIONS OF AMERICANS out there who, like me, refuse to vote because they don't trust ANY politicians. HOWEVER, the next elections will not be a matter of trusting politicians. It's a matter OF GETTING THOSE DAMNED REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE!!! Personally, I don't care who I'll be voting for. If they are Democrats THEY HAVE MY VOTE ACROSS THE BOARD: BLACK, WHITE, MAN, WOMAN, GIRAFFE, RODENT, WHATEVER!!!!

01:07 PM ET
Zakaria: Something rotten with American system?
By Fareed Zakaria
Watch "Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

It is the defining moment of a democracy – when an outgoing leader celebrates the election of a new one, from the opposing party. Think of George H.W.  Bush welcoming Bill Clinton, or Jimmy Carter doing the same for Ronald Reagan. Across the world, this is the acid test of a genuine democracy. Mexicans will tell you that they knew that had gotten there when their President, Ernesto Zedillo, after seven decades of one-party rule, allowed free elections and stood with the newly elected successor and affirmed his legitimacy.
The basic and powerful idea behind this ritual is that in a democracy, the process is more important than the outcome. If a genuine democratic process has been followed, we have to accept the results, regardless of how much we dislike them. The ultimate example of this in recent American history might be Al Gore's elegant acceptance of the process – complicated, politicized, but utterly constitutional – that put George W Bush in the White House. It must also have been very difficult for Richard Nixon to report the results of the 1960 election – which John F Kennedy won by a razor thin margin and was marred by voter fraud – but he did. However much you dislike the outcome, you respect the democratic process.

I would have been happy to see President Obama compromise on the budget, taxes, spending, even Obamacare. But he cannot compromise on the principal that the rules of democracy must be respected, whatever the outcome. If Democrats had threatened to shut down the government or default on the debt to force the repeal of the Bush tax cuts or defund the Iraq War, I would have hoped President George Bush would also have been uncompromising.

America's power and influence abroad derive in large measure from the strength of American democracy. If American politicians start playing fast and loose with the rules, doing whatever it takes to get the results that they want, what does that say to people in Russia, Egypt, Iran, and Venezuela who get pious lectures on the rules of democracy from Americans. It tells them that something is deeply rotten with the American system right now.

Watch the video for the full take.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The part where you had the people believe they could only speak in Chinese was priceless. Great stuff without getting overly sexual. I must admit, I wish I was onstage and in deep trance when you told the hypnotized people that they would not be able to see you. I would have liked to experience that firsthand. However, it was best I was not onstage because as you were bringing everyone out of trance there was a little girl on the floor completely under. Fully catatonic. As you were counting up from 1, I believe, she was completely unresponsive even when her little friend pulled on her feet. The girl's relatives told her friend to stop pulling as you counted up to 5 you got to 4 and the little girl was still completely out. I was certain she was not going to wake up by 5. Then you said 5 'wide awake' and the girl woke up! Now, that really blew my mind and I was glad I was in the audience to see that!

From my studies, hypnosis remains a mystery. Science is still not certain what exactly is going on with hypnosis, but it seems to me...that the voice of the hypnotist become the voice of the subconscious and it is the voice of the subconscious that commands the body. The voice of the subconscious is what determines what is real and is not real to the conscious mind. I don't know. I know that I've been determined for quite a while to go to a hypnotist in order to see if I could have hypnotic anchors established at different levels. However, I feel that once you reach the level of full hypnotic anesthesia you can't move and that would be too deep to be useful for me.

Before I allowed you to hypnotize me I had determined that I would not give you any resistance and allow myself to fully go under. I had set my intent that I would strive to react in the most outrageously silly ways possible. When I was fully under and you started to ask us to do silly things I suddenly remembered how I was determined to react and, here's the interesting thing, I was sending out communications to the universe that were without words. I had no time to really think how I was going to react. I had to get ideas directly from the source of ideas. When you wanted us to pretend we were in a band the silliest instrument that came to mind was a trombone and the silliest person I have ever seen blow a wind instrument was Dizzy Gilespie, with his cheeks inflated like a friggin toad, so I combined the two. When you had the people mess up the hair and that young girl sitting next to me messed up my hair and kept messing it up I was shocked. I didn't know how to react. Suddenly an idea came to me of Stan Laurel, of Laurel & Hardy fame, and how he would react when his hair was messed up and I put on a wide Stan Laurel grin; or so I believed I did.

Then there was the situation where you had us get all afraid and hide behind the chairs. I didn't want to get on the floor and suddenly had the idea of grabbing the chair. To my surprise the tie holding the chairs together easily broke and I hid behind the chair by putting the back of the chair over my head. Then you made it scarier and an instant idea came to me to close the seat of the chair so that I could not be seen. Silly stuff. The point is that I felt connected to the source of all ideas as I did these things. I believe more strongly than ever that ideas are indeed gifts that should be honored. If you are determined to hypnotize yourself with the intent to get extremely funny ideas from the source that are not sexually suggestive I don't see your having any problems doing so. You have to really want those ideas and be extremely grateful for whatever idea gifts you may receive from the Universe. I believe in your ability to do this. The real questions is: Do YOU believe in yourself? When you're just like every other stage hypnotist of this type the only thing you have to offer is your conformity. Don't settle! Go for the best!!!

Science barely has a clue as to the potential of hypnosis. I sense you are really selling yourself short. Put yourself into a deep hypnotic trance then convince yourself that you can access great ideas that you never dreamed possible before and keep doing this until those ideas come. It may take 100 times before a super really life transforming idea comes to you, dude, but IT WILL COME IF YOU DON'T GIVE UP!!! All the greats throughout history are most usually defined by the great original ideas they had and their determination to act upon those ideas and take them as far as they possibly could. Thomas Edison was quoted as saying something to the effect of: 'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.' I mean, how much do you really want those outrageously funny ideas, dude? Success in life is not so much for the talented as it is for the persistent who refuse to give up; and that's a fact!

Look, I will be honest with you here. I didn't want to do so at the fair, but I will be honest with you here: YOU'RE TOO DAMN MUCH LIKE ALL THE OTHER HYPNOTIST ACTS I'VE SEEN AT THE FAIR THROUGHOUT THE YEARS. However, I sense a potential in you that is different from the others. When it comes to getting funny ideas from the source through hypnosis you just may accomplish what no other hypnotist has ever done before. I mean REALLY FUNNY STUFF that is not sexually suggestive. I have faith in your ability to do this and, frankly, you won't be making the Christian families who go to the fair feel uncomfortable once you revolutionize your act. Of course, if you don't want to become REALLY SUCCESSFUL and want to settle for being just another stage hypnotist that is indeed your choice. Personally, with YOUR potential I wouldn't settle, but...that's me.

I am envisioning this: You contact all the places where you have given stage performances and tell them you have decided to make your act much more family oriented and less sexually suggestive; that you've added all new funny routines the whole family can enjoy. Okay, how do you think state fairs around the country would react to that? Do you think religious families across America would be very grateful for that? Do you think they would prefer the stage hypnotist with the family oriented act over the hypnotist with the sexually suggestive act? Well, maybe I'm crazy, but I can easily see all your former bookings jumping at the opportunity for the sake of the families who come to their fairs. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE AT ANY OF THOSE FAIRS!!! At least not at the ones I've gone to. I'm not overly religious and even I was uncomfortable with some of the things you had the people do. That guy grabbing the other guy's ass did not make me laugh AT ALL!!!!

What amazes me is that if I don't tell you these things OBVIOUSLY there is no one else in your world who will. Now, that's amazing alright! Sheesh!

Monday, October 7, 2013


First the Beggin Time

bacon commercial

and then...

Saturday, October 5, 2013


They call the wind Maria

Away out here they got a name
For rain and wind and fire
The rain is Tess, the fire Joe,
And they call the wind Maria

Maria blows the stars around 
And sends the clouds a’flyin’
Maria makes the mountains sound
Like folks were up there dying

They call the wind Maria

Before I knew Maria’s name
And heard her wail and whinin’
I had a girl and she had me
And the sun was always shinin’

But then one day I left my girl
I left her far behind me
And now I’m lost, so gone and lost
Not even God can find me

They call the wind Maria

Out here they got a name for rain
For wind and fire only
But when you’re lost and all alone
There ain’t no word but lonely

And I’m a lost and lonely man
Without a star to guide me
Maria blow my love to me
I need my girl beside me

They call the wind Maria

Blow my love to me

*New Karaoke Song


Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Hah! Hah! 

Keep rollin', rollin', rollin',
Though the streams are swollen,
Keep them dogies rollin', rawhide.
Through rain and wind and weather,
Hell bent for leather,
Wishin' my gal was by my side.
All the things I'm missin',
Good vittles, love, and kissin',
Are waiting at the end of my ride. 

Move 'em out, head 'em up,
Head 'em up, move 'em on.
Move 'em out, head 'em up:
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in,
Ride 'em in, cut 'em out,
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in:
Hah! Hah! 

Movin', movin', movin',
Though they're disapprovin',
Keep them dogies movin', rawhide.
Don't try to understand 'em,
Just rope an' throw an' brand 'em.
Soon we'll be living high and wide.
My heart's calculatin',
My true love will be waitin':
Waitin' at the end of my ride. 

Move 'em out, head 'em up,
Head 'em up, move 'em on.
Move 'em out, head 'em up:
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in,
Ride 'em in, cut 'em out,
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in:

(Rollin', rollin', rollin'.)
(Rollin', rollin', rollin'.)
(Rollin', rollin', rollin'.)
(Rollin', rollin', rollin'.)

*New Karaoke Song

Friday, October 4, 2013

((( SWEET PEA )))

Oh, Sweet Pea
Come on and dance with me
Come on, come on, come on and dance with me
Oh, Sweet Pea
Won't you be my girl
Won't you, won't you, won't you be my girl

I went to a dance just the other night
I saw a girl there she was out of sight
I asked a friend of mine who she could be
He said that her friends just call her Sweet Pea

Oh, Sweet Pea
Come on and dance with me
Come on, come on, come on and dance with me
Oh, Sweet Pea
Won't you be my girl
Won't you, won't you, won't you be my girl

I walked on over and I asked her to dance
Thinkin' maybe later of
makin' romance
But every guy there was thinkin' like me
I had to stand in line
To get a dance with Sweet Pea

Oh, Sweet Pea
Come on and dance with me
Come on, come on, come on and dance with me
Oh, Sweet Pea
Won't you be my girl
Won't you, won't you, won't you be my girl

I finally got to whisper sweet words in her ear
Convinced her that we oughta get away from there
We took a little walk
I held her close to me
And underneath the stars I said to Sweet Pea

Oh, Sweet Pea I love you can't you see
Love you, love you, love you can't you see
Oh, Sweet Pea
Won't you be my girl
Won't you, won't you, won't you be my girl

*New Karaoke Song