Sunday, August 18, 2013


The concept of precognitive dreams is something that is very advantageous to cultivate and master as true success in life is largely determined by the core beliefs of your subconscious mind. So consistently going into a trance state and forming a deliberately assertive 'precognitive dream' of yourself being tremendously successful in whatever endeavor inspires you to greatness is an extremely powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind for success in life.

Fact of the matter is we can say and do whatever we may choose, but if our subconscious minds are programmed to think of ourselves as failures the subconscious mind will eventually win the battle. It is IMPERATIVE to reprogram the subconscious mind for success if we are to be truly successful in life!

 Average people will think of precognitive dreams as a matter of interesting discussion.

I think of them as an important tool that can be created deliberately, in waking dream states, in order to steer our lives towards tremendous success

Dream yourself successful in some endeavor that inspires you. Take action and help the dream to become real with passionate actions that will not take 'no' for an answer and chances are that dream will indeed become real and manifested in your life; or something better

This is the core of all Law of Attraction and Abundance Paradigm philosophies

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that the subconscious mind be properly reprogrammed for success. Without this all your efforts will eventually prove a waste of your time.

Thus the core reason why people have failed using philosophies like The Secret