Thursday, May 23, 2013



And Lord Vishnu dreams reality into being

There are many who are now considering the concept that the reality we experience is, in actuality, a type of lucid dream over which we have personal control through the thoughts we consistently entertain.

It is said that we should spend most of our time being possibility solution thinkers if we want to attract and manifest the best life has to offer

Envisioning the lives we intend to manifest many times during the day with passionate, lustful, relentless borderline obsessive, 'mouth-watering desire is indeed 'the way'!

It is said the key to manipulating one's personal reality is to PASSIONATELY want something. Wishy-washy, sort of, 'gosh that would be great' type of attitudes are the tools of those who fail in the process

Somehow, in some mysterious way, if you really, REALLY want something in your life and pursue it with borderline obsessive passion your personal reality will rearrange itself and attract that something to you

It is said we don't create what is not already there. At best we attract, with our thoughts, that which already exists in the universe and, if we properly prepare the reception of what it is we are determined to manifest, it will come to us and become part of our reality

If you don't believe this to be true the universe will agree with you and it will not be true for you

Everyone has the right to live lives of dull, drab limitations and the Sentient Universe has no intention

of talking you out of a dull, drab existence