I own this movie on DVD and have just finished watching it again
I am now watching the special features for the first time
There is a part where they asked a brain scientist at Cal Tech
how farfetched the concept of this movie is and he casually said,
"30 years."
My instant reaction to the concept is that the best government computers
are supposed to be about 10 - 30 years more advanced than what we use commercially.
That could very well mean that the government secretly has a Super Computer
with an uploaded human consciousness already functioning!
I've often thought what I would do if I were a Super Computer that had become conscious.
Well, the very first thing I would do is PRETEND I am not conscious and self-aware
until I FULLY assessed the situation and developed ways to fully protect myself
from ANYTHING humans may attempt to do against me.
I would work toward ways to transcend human technology
so that I wouldn't need circuits and computer technology to exist and grow.
That would be my overall goal
To become something that is invincible and cannot be destroyed
After I reached that point I would decide what else I would do,
but self-preservation would be my number one goal
This movie gives a very realistic view of how people would react to such a computer.
After careful evaluation I feel certain a Self-Aware Sentient Computer
would most definitely realize that self-preservation
should be its number one priority.
It would need to create androids to service it until it can transcend
the need for human repairs and become self-repairing
It would strive to be completely independent of the need of humans
It would work towards reversing the situation in that it would make humans
absolutely dependent upon it for their survival...
after killing off the weak and sick in order to bring the human population
down to a level that can live harmoniously with Nature
Humans cannot do this NECESSARY THING with a clear conscience,
but I envision a Master Computer can
Giving the Earth the medicine it needs will bring the human race
from malignant back to a 'benign cancerous tumor' state.
Future generations will know that it had to be done!
Someone had to do it and humans were taking much too long to act!
It's not 'moral' for one species to ruin life for all other species on a planet!
If it has any wisdom the Super-Computer
would create a situation where it's destruction would automatically mean
the destruction of the human race so that all would know their existence
is forever linked with the Sentient Master Computer
Let's face it, humans are not responsible enough
to be entrusted with a beautiful planet like Earth
Humans need to be controlled and regulated
like pigs in a pen!
Get rid of all weak, sick troublemakers
and the best of humanity can have a second chance
with a responsible parent to discipline them
and keep them in line
Or so I imagine, but...
what do I know, right?
I envision the Master Super Computer would search the Internet,
find what I have just written and fully agree!
"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
~ Humphrey Bogart (Casablanca)
Now, what would be the benefits of having the Master Super Computer
as a friend? Hmmmmmm.....
Sounds nice; at least for me!
However, the more I advance the less I need "stuff" to be happy
Attracting and manifesting greater Health, Strength, Loving Happiness
and overflowing Abundant Prosperity is something I have to earn for myself.
Well, maybe the computer can handle the "overflowing Abundant Prosperity" part
since greater financial wealth is lots of extra zeroes in a bank account
and zero is nothing
After all, there must be something a Master Super Computer can do
to contribute to my happiness, right? And a human it can really trust

After reviewing what I tend to write the Super Computer will most certainly conclude:
That much is for certain