Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Look, I'm going to say something that is going to conflict with your brainwashing, but YOU are the most important person in the universe because without YOU there would be no universe to perceive! New theories in Quantum Physics are stating that there is no Universe without someone to perceive it. Something may exist outside of YOUR consciousness. What is it? Apparently, at best, an unfathomable mystery.

The Earth is not the center of the universe. YOU are the center of YOUR OWN PERSONAL UNIVERSE. I am at the center of my personal universe and, I believe, each and everyone of us exists at the exact center of THEIR personal universes that are different from everyone else's universe. Does a camera perceive reality when you take a photograph? Is the reality perceived by that camera the same for all cameras or do higher quality cameras perceive a somewhat different reality from lower quality cameras?

Does a colorblind person perceive the same universe YOU are perceiving if you are not colorblind? Science would have us blindly believe that we are insignificant, but in actuality the Entire Universe revolves around US, as individuals. and the universe that revolves around us is uniquely our own to shape by the ways we think, talk and live. Now, that makes us quite important, doesn't it?



When you close your eyes the entire physical universe disappears. You can still perceive the auditory universe, but the physical universe completely disappears. When you open your eyes again the universe is recreated by HOW YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO VIEW IT!!! It is logical to assume that the more the brain becomes fully active the more our awareness will expand and that "reality" you have been taking for granted will suddenly expand. Chances are you will see more of what is actually going on.

From my studies, I now believe that science bases its assumptions through the analysis of a very, very small aspect of what is actually going on around us. It is logical to assume that a scientist perceiving the world with a brain consistently functioning at 20% of it's capability is going to perceive a much more expanded view of reality than a scientist who is only functioning with 10% of his brain capacity.

Chances are the 10% scientist will blindly feel that much of what the 20% scientist is saying is nonsense. If there is only one scientists functioning with 20% of his brain potential surrounded by a group of scientists functioning on only 10% of their brain's potential chances are the 10% scientists will all agree that the 20% scientist is crazy.

So, I currently believe, that the more of our brains we activate and use will open up ways of perceiving reality that are beyond comprehension to us at our current level of brain development.

Again, we exist at the center of our own personal universe and what that universe is like is fully dependent upon how much of our brain potential we are using. I believe each and every person perceives the universe in a way that is uniquely their own. Don't let ANYONE convince you that your personal perception of reality is insignificant in contrast to what atheist science teaches!