My first created experimental video using the trial version of Crazytalk Animator Pro was for a bunch of skeptics in a skeptics forum who always have something bad to say about me.
The tutorials for Crazytalk Animator Pro are a pain in that different versions of their animation programs have different tools in different places and for tech support you have to send them a support message and they will get back to you in a couple of days. It took me a while to realize that I should ONLY watch tutorials for Crazytalk Animator Pro and none for their similar programs, duh. Since tech support was the same as it was with the Xtranormal animation program it's not like this is anything new in the way of tech support
Still, this seems to be exactly the type of program I need in order to develop my public speaking; although...I won't get into the headaches I have had with it so far, but I got a lot more done through the headaches than I did with the headaches I got trying to use the Poser Pro 2012 animation program. That much is for certain! I sent that thing back to and GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
The trial version of CrazyTalk Animator Pro creates exported videos with their logo all over the friggin place.