Thursday, October 23, 2014


The movies of Ray Harryhausen
has us kids captivated with their artistry
Just knowing he made every movement, of his creatures, frame-by-frame
was astounding to us in its realism

Nowadays I see CGI animation and pretty much take it for granted
Yeah, it looks real, but it's too seamless
It seems all the artistry of the days of Ray Harryhausen are gone
and there is no going back
except by watching old Harryhausen movies

At about 47:35 into this documentary you see something very rare
As a matter of fact I have NEVER seen it done like this before
Ray Harryhausen is filmed creating a skeletal animation movement
It is sped up so that you can see how he actually did it
and can gain an appreciation for how difficult the process was for him

I just got through editing a special video segment, for myself,
where I have the skeletal animation sequence playing over and over and over
many, many, many times without any sound
just so I can study the process.

It's hypnotically astonishing to watch!