Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"To be simple is really very difficult"

-Itzhak Perlman


Perlman just so happens to be one of the greatest violinists of the modern age!
I suddenly remembered him saying this about playing simple slow pieces
and how one can hide behind a flurry of fast notes

As a guitarist my overall goal has been to master the fast notes
However, the closer I get to mastering the fast notes the more I realize
that the beauty of my slow melodic notes are the proverbial "cake"

The fast notes are like the fancy icing frills on a wedding cake
You know all those fancy icing frills wedding cake makers are famous for, right?
In the final analysis, who the hell cares about that if the cake tastes bad?
If you take a bite of the cake and want to spit it out
will you care how beautiful the cake looks?


My new Monoprice Route 66 Les Paul 
is proving to be the most generously melodic guitar I have ever owned
This guitar 'sings' rather than making sounds 
It likes to 'sing' and that is very strange indeed!

I've been used to guitars that make nice sounds, if you are determined enough
I am not used to a guitar that literally wants to sing and loves to sing!!!

It's quite a moving experience for me!
I'm starting to look at certain Karaoke songs in my collection
in a whole new light!