Wednesday, March 26, 2014



I believe there is a segment of the Larry King interview that got Benny Hinn all steamed up and angry at Joel Osteen. The fool Hinn is absolutely certain Jesus said every single thing attributed to Him in the Bible. HINN HAS NO PROOF OF THIS!!! However, I believe, EVERYONE has proof enough that the current ending to the Biblical Book of Mark IS NOT THE ORIGINAL ENDING!!! The Book of Mark WAS TAMPERED WITH!!!

If you don't believe me look into the matter and you should find that the original Book of Mark ended when everyone ran from Jesus' tomb in terror!!! So, we have clear evidence that at least one Biblical book has been tampered with; a book canonized by both Catholics and Protestants!!! What does that say? BE VERY SUSPICIOUS OF THE BIBLE AND DON'T BLINDLY BELIEVE EVERY WORD TO BE INFALLIBLY AND INERRANTLY TRUE!!! If you are wise you will take my advice.

Blind faith fools seem to feel that they can do whatever they like as long as they keep saying "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus". SORRY BUT, if you persist in doing evil it doesn't matter what name you call on!!!!! So don't be condemning others because they don't say "Jesus" enough to suit your Christian fancy!!! Look into the possible tampering of your "holy book" before you go condemning others for believing in God differently!!!

You know, it's really interesting to note that, first of all, I don't like Joel Osteen. I just don't like the guy and I don't trust him. HOWEVER, it seems to me MANY Christian pastors are condemning Mr Osteen OUT OF JEALOUSY while I have, so far, not seen so much as a single interview where Joel Osteen condemns ANYONE!!!

Mr Osteen obviously does not feel qualified to pass judgment against ANYONE while these other OBVIOUSLY JEALOUS pastors see it as "righteousness" to pass heinous condemnation against Mr Osteen. If they eventually are judged by God the way they judge, as their Bible says, I would imagine those condemning pastors are in very, very big trouble!!!!

I don't know if Jesus actually existed, as the Bible says He did, but I do know that the story of Jesus overall inspires me to be loving, forgiving and merciful. It DOES NOT inspire me to condemn others who don't believe exactly as I do, but...that's me. Christians who accept the Bible as though Jesus said every single word exactly as written are usually the ones who go around condemning others who don't believe as they do.


not whether or not someone, like Jesus or the Buddha, actually existed. Whatever is useful to me is more than welcome in my personal belief system...until it is no longer proven useful, but that's just me

LET ME ASK YOU SOMETHING, you who would stand as God and condemn Joel Osteen: Is what Joel Osteen preaches worse than what the Muslims preach? OHHHHHHHHH, you don't want to answer that, right cowards? You attack Osteen because you know he won't fight back. After what happened to Pat Roberson for criticizing the Muslims you instinctively put your proverbial tails between your blind faith legs and cower away from a question like this!!!


Of course, those very same condemning pastors would condemn me for writing this!

Well, I have a message for them: