Sunday, March 23, 2014


Chopra answers Michael Shermer's questions and the answers bounce off his thick head leaving no impression whatsoever. So Shermer ends up as though the questions were not answered at all. This is one of the sure signs of the spiritually comatose dead.

The only way I know of to make any real spiritual progress is to control and stop the internal dialogue AT WILL. Until Michael Shermer can get past his preconceived notions of what reality is he can never experience reality directly. The reality he perceives will ALWAYS be filtered and limited by what Shermer THINKS reality is.

For example, when he knocks on his electronic pad quantum science says he is not actually knocking on anything solid. He is knocking on energy that SEEMS solid and that solidity is an illusion. THAT'S THE SCIENCE Shermer supposedly believes in and yet...he obviously doesn't believe it!!!!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND, SHERMER. EITHER YOU BELIEVE SCIENCE OR YOU DON'T!!!!

Shermer's problem is he feels if there is a God he MUST be able to comfortably fit in Shermer's preconceived notion of reality. HOWEVER, there is no more room in Shermer's proverbial cup for anything to fit!!! Shermer's mind is like an unbroken chain of certainties he refuses to accept may be incorrect in any way. Shermer is dead certain reality is totally the way it appears no matter what new discoveries in Quantum Physics may state.

The concept of TEMPORARILY erasing one's personal history can only be PROPERLY accomplished through advanced meditation where one develops the ability to stop one's internal dialogue at will. Until Michael Shermer can do this I believe he will never be able to get past the barrier of his preconceived notions of what he THINKS reality is.