Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I've learned that the life you experience revolves around your core paradigm belief which is embedded deep within the subconscious mind. If you core believe that life is NOT a miraculous wonder then your whole life, and what you attract, will revolve around that core belief.

If your core belief is that life is wondrously miraculous and there is no telling what can be accomplished if you are determined enough to take action towards manifesting your dreams. Well, in contrast, that is a fantastic core paradigm belief that can open the most wondrously miraculous doors of perception the Universe has to offer.

As you look for the miraculous, throughout your daily life, KNOWING it will manifest what were once thought of as "just coincidences" expand and become miraculous synchronistic events that grow in power, frequency and number.

Soon you realize that there is some sort of Supreme Mind behind what you once thought of as "coincidences" and that THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. There are only people who are CERTAIN there are coincidences. In actuality, life is a miraculous wonder with no part of life any more or less miraculous than anything else.

The saying is true in that:

'Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it!'

If you are wise you will have tremendous respect for the thoughts you entertain for your mind is indeed precious!