Sunday, August 18, 2013


The creation of a precognitive dream towards the accomplishing of something is not new. I believe we tend to do it most of the time, but on a rather weak scale. As for myself, when it comes to doing some sort of specialized project requiring a number of things from a hardware store, my precognitive dreams can get BRUTALLY SPECIFIC.

You may think it fun to have to go back to a hardware store over and over and over and over because you're working on a project and your created precognitive dream was not specific enough, but I'VE HAD IT WITH THAT SHIT!!!!!


Nowadays, when I am working on a specialized project my created precognitive dream is made as BRUTALLY REAL as possible to avoid such situations. Before I embark on a project I review it over and over in my mind until the process becomes so very clear it is as though the project was done successfully yesterday.

I envision EVERY, SINGLE BLOODY THING I feel I will need and 'see myself' accomplishing the project over and over and over until it is crystal clear in my mind BEFORE I embark. Once I am certain my created precognitive dream is clear and specific enough, while creating a clear list of what I will need, then AND ONLY THEN do I go to the hardware store. I go with the Intent to GO ONLY ONCE and not have to go back again until, maybe, after the project is completed and I have to return some items I did not need.

Yes, if I think I may need alternative items I BUY THEM so I have extra of different sizes or whatnot. Then, when the project is completed, I return what I didn't need.

My God!! I have learned my lesson about not being BRUTALLY SPECIFIC in the creation of a precognitive dream towards the accomplishment of ANY specialized project.