Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Before New Age and Quantum Physics discoveries had become public news

Castaneda's don Juan taught the essence of their revelations about energy in the Universe

Castaneda's don Juan was pointing towards the universe being Sentient, Conscious and very Alive while Castaneda's college professors were trained to believe such postulations were complete, laughable nonsense

Well, the world of science is changing and thanks to the discoveries of quantum physicists it seems the don Juan view of reality is the view that is prevailing while the old scientific view of a dead, clock-like, meaningless universe is proverbially drying up and slowly crumbling

We are headed for an incredible paradigm shift from that of a dead, meaningless, clock-like universe to a vibrant, Sentient, Conscious & Alive Universe Vibrating with  Awareness!!

I believe I'm ready for that shift

As for old, dried up, dead science? Well....

May it never be my problem!